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Wie erkläre ich dem toten 


die Flexibilität

Kurzspielfilm / 2015 / 28 Minuten

Regie Leon Daniel

DOP Leon Daniel, Anna Kolkmann, Sebastian Knoll, Arne Körner

Ton Michael Manzke

Kostüm Karla de la Barra

Requisite Julia Berndt

Cast Vincent Heppner, Julia Riedler, Oliver Lau, Martin Maecker, Mirco Kreibich, Gro Swantje Kohlhof, Benjamin Lauffer

How do you make the best out of your life? A young man is eager to find friends, proper work, love and a purpose in life. But whatever he touches, it turns against him. The only one who can endure his presence is a taxidermied ferret.

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